About Me

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I am a self-proclaimed princess, after all my name is Sarah! However, I am a true born country girl, complete with the hat, boots, and the attitude! I am from Ontario, from a fairly small town but I can have my big city moments. I am a red-head with the confidence to own it. But most of all I am me and I refuse to be anything or anyone else!! Once I graduate I hope to get a job as a forensic analyst. For the time being I am a sales associate at GAP and these are my ramblings!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


I have seen 11/50 new to me movies since I have already counted The Ultimate Gift so only one more movie.

September 8, 2008

The Ultimate Gift … it was amazing; not many movies could ever move you the way this one did! It stars some pretty amazing actors and one up and coming actress that I absolutely adore – she is cute and funny and will take the world by storm – Abigail Breslin. It was based on a novel, I think that it would be a good read … maybe I will try and find a copy.
So if you are ever looking for a good movie with a little fun, but very serious and thought – provoking then I suggest this film. As for me it is going on my list of must buys!! Speaking of which, I crossed one off my list today as well.

Hope Floats
Sandra Bullock and Harry Connick Jr.
watching it as I type lol ... its pretty good so far the daughter is hilarious and a good actress and as per always Sandra Bullock is a wonderful actress loving this movie


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