About Me

My photo
I am a self-proclaimed princess, after all my name is Sarah! However, I am a true born country girl, complete with the hat, boots, and the attitude! I am from Ontario, from a fairly small town but I can have my big city moments. I am a red-head with the confidence to own it. But most of all I am me and I refuse to be anything or anyone else!! Once I graduate I hope to get a job as a forensic analyst. For the time being I am a sales associate at GAP and these are my ramblings!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Helpers Helping the Hungry!

Before I went to dinner which is like after I finish this blog, hahaha, I donated 4,130 grains of rice on FreeRice
They added some subjects - English vocab and grammar are still there but now, there is chemical signs (basic and full) math (basic and advanced) and learning Italian (which I was doing), German, Spanish, or French! Plus geography and famous paintings!
Its quite interesting - so go learn something and help those less fortunate than we are! :)

you know you love helping people,

p.s. I personally love my alliteration!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My update!

So this is an update to summarize the continuous updates so far going back to the last update.

Today is the 265th day into my goals.
Start Date: Thursday, July 3, 2008
Finish Date: Thursday, March 31, 2011
Completed: (14/101)

Bolded goals are ongoing and I am in the process of trying to complete!
Goals in Italics are completed!


  1. Graduate!
  2. Get G1 licence (August 26, 2008)
  3. Learn to drive
  4. Get G2 licence
  5. Learn how to drive a stick shift
  6. Look more in Arbonne employment opportunities (completed its not feasible)
  7. Purchase a laptop for next semester (August 30th, 2008)
  8. Organize and plan out classes for next two years (March 16th 2009)
  9. Increase and maintain a higher GPA ... I am studying My GPA went up a little bit last semester
  10. Learn a new sport
  11. Back up files from my desktop to CDs and DVDs my computer crashed so not a huge problem anymore but still I plan to make a few CDs
  12. Clock more hours in the library each week 4 hrs/day during the school days so far so good … not as good now but I have a job now but I am still working hard.


  1. Keep credit card debt to a minimum - only put cell phone bill and ink on it
  2. Divide tips for the rest of the summer months to help pay down debt (2/2) {however I did this for June as well even though I am starting from scratch} (September 2, 2008)
  3. Get a change jar, and collect change DO NOT spend! I have a princess jar for Canadian change, and a Lighting McQueen one for my American change/tips > still going!
  4. Start to pay down loans from pay checks each summer and after graduation I got a part-time job during this semester.
  5. Look into starting investing in RRSPs

Health/Mind and Body

  1. Take a multivitamin every day for three months (0/90)
  2. Go for a walk once a week with just my iPOD (37/142)
  3. Lose 40 pounds
  4. Whiten my teeth started
  5. Get my hair highlighted and styled (2/2)
  6. Sign up and attend yoga classes
  7. Follow the couch to 5K from http://www.coolrunning.com/ (0/27)
  8. Go to bed early, get up earlier, and try to get eight hours
  9. Write angers and stresses down then release them on a balloon
  10. Get a henna tattoo
  11. Limit soda intake to 1 per day (including mixed cocktails) (238{265}/1001) ~


  1. Take a wine class
  2. Try four new local restaurants (2/4)
    Sushi Nami (January 13th 2009)
    Hamachi House (March 8th 2009)
  3. Take a bar tending class
  4. Try five new recipes (0/5)
  5. Go vegetarian for one week (0/7)
  6. Drink three glasses of water each day (240{265}/1001)~


  1. Send my mom flowers, for her birthday or no reason (0/2)
  2. Host a girl’s night in (1/2)
  3. Host an Arbonne party (0/2)
  4. Make three new good friends (2/3) my new roomies
  5. Take more photos of friends to create a picture wall in my new flat

The Sorority (IBX)

  1. Start a personal scrapbook of my IBX memorabilia
  2. Attend ALL meetings! (Which I am supposed to do any way!) so far so good … I missed one I wasn’t feeling good
  3. Run for Chief Magistrate ~ I declined – we will be a small chapter next year
  4. Run for a Greek Council position (I am Greek Council Rep) (February 1st 2009)
  5. Talk to my big sister A at least once a week (30/142) only got to see her for a short bit since I have been back been busy with my new job and her in nursing now YAY
  6. Personally recruit one potential sister each semester (0/4)
    no such luck this semester - September '08
    no such luck – January ‘09
  7. Become a big sister


  1. Go to a zoo
  2. Visit a museum
  3. Go bowling
  4. Go rock climbing
  5. Go to a drive-in movie
  6. Watch the fireworks


  1. Start a notebook of reviews of all the books I read and have read (that I can recall)
  2. Read 100 books (28/100)
  3. Create a list of Bests on http://www.listsofbests.com/
  4. Read five Shakespeare plays (that I haven’t read yet) (0/5){counts toward goal #53}
  5. Read 10 books from the Banned Books List, from http://www.wikipedia.com/ {does not count towards goal #53}
    a. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
    b. Animal Farm
    c. As I Lay Dying
    d. Black Beauty
    e. Bridge to Terabithia
    f. Catcher in the Rye
    g. Fahrenheit 451
    h. The Giver
    i. The Grapes of Wrath
    j. Ulysses


  1. Start a movie review book that I rate every movie (no matter how brief) have the book and so far so good
  2. See 50 new-to-me movies (44/50)
  3. Pick and watch 10 movies from this list: http://www.imdb.com/boxoffice/alltimegross (0/10) {counts toward goal #58 if I pick ones I haven’t seen but can re-watch some just don’t count on 58}
  4. Watch the ‘Godfather’ series (0/3)
  5. Watch all the seasons of Tru Calling
  6. Watch all two seasons of Dead Like Me (0/2)


  1. Purchase reusable bags (September 11, 2008)
  2. Cut out plastic bags completely
  3. Have a house plant and keep it alive
  4. Plant a tree
  5. Invest in a shredder to cut down in paper garbage
  6. Go through old clothes and donate them (IBX Frenchies counts) (April 5th, 2009)I know the date is in the future put I am already collecting donations and donated some myself!
  7. Give blood regularly
  8. Donate bone marrow
  9. Donate 500, 000 grains of rice on http://www.freerice.com/ (1,160/500,000) {already donated 2,900 but am starting over}


  1. Go to five new places (0/5)
    Fredericton, NB next weekend for AGM
  2. Plan a trip to Australia
  3. Plan spring break with J to Florida – cancelled: it was planned though!
  4. Visit Ben and Jerry’s factory in Vermont
  5. Rent a cabin for the weekend
  6. S & A’s wedding ~ Mexico

Just for Fun/Random

  1. Start a book of quotes
  2. Only purchase four (or less) Aurora memorabilia (2/4)
    I got magnets ... a little before but counting anyways and my princess money saver ... which doesn't count really either but oh wells
  3. Purchase a digital camera (August 26, 2008) my dad gave it to me ... same thing I have one!
  4. Take a photo of the sunrise and sunset in each season
  5. Go to five concerts (1/5)
    saw Carrie Underwood
  6. Tie dye a bunch of underwear, T-shirts, and socks!
  7. Kiss a guy on New Years Eve
  8. Make out in the rain ;)
  9. Send out a message in a bottle

Stuff Just for Me

  1. Have my eyebrows threaded
  2. Purchase the Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella
    Shopaholic and Baby
  3. Write a list of 100 things that make me happy.
  4. Subscribe to Cosmo Magazine (September 2008) I re-newed my subscription
  5. Go an entire month w/o wearing my contacts more than nine hours/day (5/30) started March 21st
  6. Have my legs/bikini waxed at a salon
  7. Get a full body massage
  8. Get a paraffin dip for my hands and/or feet every month (2/22) except in Ontario ... because I have yet to find a place that does them thus why the total number of months is not 32

The List

  1. Finish this list! (July 2, 2008)
  2. Take a photo for each goal (0/101)
  3. Make a scrapbook of this adventure using pictures from above goal :)
  4. Encourage someone else to complete a 101 in 1001
  5. For every goal completed enter $10 in a savings fund for a shopping trip and for every goal left in progress put in $5. For every goal that is not completed donate $5 to a charity that is undecided at the moment.
  6. Create a new 101 in 1001-List once this one is finished!